Initial Consultation

In my writing classes and workshops, I often ask participants to memorize or become familiar with writer Ursula Le Guinn’s poem, We Are Volcanoes. It’s a short poem and although she addresses it to women, I believe it applies to everyone. I’ve included it here for you to read & be inspired to write your own stories.

We are volcanoes. When we women Offer our experience as our truth, All the maps change. There are new mountains. That’s what I want—To hear you erupting. You Mount St. Helenses who don’t know the power in you. I want to hear you. If we don’t tell our truth, who will?

Once the brave decision to write is accepted as a “volcano” inside your self, erupting with creativity desiring to be expressed, it is time to begin. Begin and keep moving forward; everyday one more step, until you embody the writer self who lives inside you! As your writing coach, it is my deepest desire and commitment to help you midwife into life this erupting volcano of creativity, with its own unique voice and story! To schedule your FREE 30-minute initial consultation: Call 415-509-7818 or email:


    We can talk about any phase of your writing or writing experience that you’d like. Why wait? Take the energy of the volcano inside you and give it a chance! I look forward to meeting & helping you birth your own inner muse and writer and taking your writing to the level of fruition that you desire.

    FEES: As your COACH/WRITING MENTOR, I’ll be there for you over the phone, email or in person if you live near Maui, Hawaii. We can schedule weekly or monthly calls, there is no specific number of times required, during which we’ll share your writing process and any challenges you’re dealing with. Together we can clarify where you’re at with your writing, where you want to go, and map out a plan on how to get there! You may decide you only need one coaching session, which is fine; or, you may decide you want me on board the writing journey with you on a weekly or monthly basis. It’s entirely up to you.

    Coaching fees are $85 an hour. A minimum of 3 sessions is suggested. Price for 3 one-hour sessions is $195 paid in full at beginning of session one. Price for 3 two-hour sessions is $330.

    Number of Coaching Sessions

    Write as though your life depends on it, that’s writing with a passionate heart, the true writer's adventure!



    Rebecca Jo Dakota

    Sometimes we just need another person to hold the space for us while we change. We might really just need to “move the needle” a little in our self-image, in how we think of ourselves. Having someone else co-visualize that change with us can make all the difference. That’s what Marjorie does. She holds the space for those of us who want to write, who want to write well, who want to finally claim “writer” as a title. Having been in a writing group she led and also attending several writing retreats, I can say that it was Marjorie’s teaching and encouragement that made the difference for me.
    Thank you Marjorie.

    Phyllis Ryan

    My experience in Marjorie’s Memoir Class continues to be a gradual un-layering of my past, which is 87 years old, revealing a life that I had somehow discounted as not important.  Now I am realizing that I am a font of great tales that only I have access to and that perhaps my stories will be as interesting to others as they are to me!
    Thanks, Marjorie.

    Ruth Sandoval

    Working with Marjorie St. Clair has been an eye opening experience!  During our coaching sessions, Marjorie has shown me that I can achieve writing goals that were once only a lifelong dream.  Her knowledge of good writing, astute assessment of my talents and abilities has given me solid ground to begin in earnest.  Marjorie is fearless in challenging her students to stretch to become better writers.

    Kristin Kailey

    I’m now in the second part of my memoir-writing journey and I know I’m supposed to be here. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. I start writing about one thing and other, often painful things, arise. This class of beautiful women is a lovely, safe place to explore the ways in which to just get it done. Marjorie’s sweet spirit guides us through each class and I feel it when I’m writing on my own. I’m learning so much about myself.
    Thanks Marjorie!

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