by Indrani Fausch


Mother came round today
She opened every window that was
closed in my world
bringing in Light and Air
Making me purge the excess
I believed was “me.”
She cleansed the Space
I kicked
I cried
I screamed
I wept
I held tight to the known
living in a cesspool
yet not wanting to let go

Mother kissed every organ in the body
She kissed every cell in the body
Kissed every hair on the body
adding energy and wisdom

Then She took off the clothing I wore
The dark mantle of fear
The inner layers of
Hate and Anger hidden
with false smiles
I wore as masks
She washed away the makeup
I used to hide my grief behind

Layer by layer
like an onion
She peeled off
The false me
Touching the Core Being
the Nothingness of ME
that I had buried
through the years
living in ignorance
believing it to be true.

Mother Ayahuasca came round today
She washed away my fear of
The Unknown
and handed me
“The Pearl of Knowledge.”

Indrani Fausch was born in Sri Lanka and has lived in Europe since 1965. She is 79 years old and has been writing poetry for five years. She is married and has three children, three grandchildren and one great-grandson.

The breakthrough came after an Ayahuasca retreat in 2019 in Peru.