by Josephine LoRe Scientists captured the flash of light that sparks when sperm meets egg I knew I walked from the bed to the bathroom and knew a life inside my life a spark within my spark a flick pictured you infinitesimal then the size of a grain of flaxseed waving...
by Dee Horne Early morning. No warning. Fires fueled by hurricane winds, travel a mile a minute leaving little time to escape some to the sea others to cars, soon left behind flames so hot cars, buildings melt. Trees, power lines down communication. Food,...
by Sherry Peterson The Mountain opened her knees…bared craggy thighs…birthed boulders full of sweet words not to be spoken except by wind rain…hail…snow…thunder…crack of lightning Mouth…a precipice exposed hurling clear cold water spilling spilling spilling...
by Susan Haifleigh Our true selves can only be seen in darkness a circle emerging as light against its opposite energy that pushes and pulls no safe haven. Each pilgrim follows a compass spinning from dawn to dusk looking up we fall down like the fool who steps...
by Indrani Fausch Mother came round today She opened every window that was closed in my world bringing in Light and Air Making me purge the excess I believed was “me.” She cleansed the Space I kicked I cried I screamed I wept I held tight to the known living in...
by Kate Ballew Raising our energy Inhaling sparks of Goddess breath Blowing through our powerful pursed lips Glowing embers of ancestors and those to come Sparklers spewing, rising, stoked and guarded by women Each a fire keeper Sparks passing betwixt and...