JULY 10th-14th, 2013


Join us as we take a 5-day/4-night desert writing adventure into the heart of the oldest Native American culture belonging to the Hopi Indians of Arizona. A quest has to do with awakening to the depths of our soul and realizing our unique connection with Mother Earth. It involves asking such basic questions as “Who am I?” Why am I here?” and, “What is my purpose?” In answering these questions, we must listen to our inner voice and come to terms with the truth of our own experiences leading to our soul’s purpose. The intention of this writing adventure  is to help you answer these questions while deepening and celebrating your connection with nature through quiet reflection, time to write, group sharing, and a deep immersion into the Hopi culture and it prophecies for the future.

In the solitude of the desert one remembers how to listen to the deeper voices inside, to feel the spirits of the land and to connect with nature. Our writing adventure will allow quite time for visioning, for attending the sacred Niman Kachina dances performed by the Hopi Indians at their mesa-top villages, and for visiting a Hopi family who live on the Second Mesa village called Shipalovi. Traditional basket-makers, we will spend the day with these long-time friends as they teach us the intricate skills of basket-making. There will be time for drumming and singing, as well as time to celebrate our connection with nature and each other through ritual and ceremony! This trip provides the rare opportunity to reconnect with an ancient culture that still listens to the land and, according to Hopi belief, dance to keep the world in balance.

For four nights we will stay in the comfortable Hopi Cultural Center Hotel and have our meals at their restaurant. Visit them at www.HopiCulturalCenter.com for more information. There is also camping available directly adjoining the Hopi Cultural Center for those wanting to sleep on the earth and/or for those on a budget.

Marjorie has trained extensively with various medicine and spiritual teachers throughout her life. Over the years she has led numerous vision quest trips and wilderness journeys for women to Hopi. She was inspired to lead this trip to Hopi in response to the accelerated changes happening both on a personal and worldwide level as well as offer others the opportunity to share in an intimate way the friendship of a Hopi family. The Hopi Prophecies regarding the future, once secretly guarded, are now being shared with humanity. We will explore what those prophecies are by visiting places sacred to the Hopi, talking with village elders and gathering our own wisdom as we integrate the Hopi knowledge of the future and seek to apply it to our own lives. These various experiences will not only provide us windows into a culture that has flourished for thousands of years but will also provide us with inspiration and insights into our writing.


This 5-day/4-night Journey to Hopi will begin on a Wednesday, July 10th through Sunday July 14th. We will meet in Albuquerque, NM, and drive up Wednesday morning to the Hopi Indian Reservation in Arizona. After we’ve checked into our rooms and eaten our evening meal, then off to bed for a good night’s rest and an early morning start on Thursday.

After Thursday breakfast, we’ll head out to visit the famed Prophecy Rock, seen in the photo above, where carvings show the vision of the future as foretold by the ancient Hopis. In the afternoon we’ll take time to quietly reflect, write or visit the museum store at the Hopi Cultural Center. That evening, we’ll gather outside to drum, sing and share our writing and experiences of the day.

Friday morning we’ll visit the Yoyhoeoma family who live on Second Mesa and are longtime friends of Marjorie’s. The Yoyhoeoma family, as well as others of the village, are famous for their basket weaving, and part of our visit will include learning how the baskets are made. Often the family will make their baskets and carvings for sale. Later that afternoon, we will journey to the village of Hoteville to visit the Hopi Fire Clan elder Grandfather Martin to learn more of his vision for the future fifth world that is to occur soon, according to Hopi belief, after the destruction of the current fourth world where we now reside.

Early Saturday morning we’ll make our way to the villages where the amazing masked Kachina dances are performed, known as the sacred Niman, or, Going Home dances. The dances are called “going home” dances because the Kachinas have been present in the villages all winter long, helping the Hopi to prepare for the planting and harvesting of their crops. Now, it is time for them to leave and go back to their home in the mountains over Flagstaff, which can be seen in the distance from Hopi. Usually, the dances last all weekend long and are performed in various villages. We will attend dances at one or more of the villages. There will also be time for reflection and writing.

After Sunday checkout, we will have lunch and as time allows, do a ritual of celebration and appreciation before departing Hopi to return to Albuquerque, NM.

Accommodations Price: $260.00 for 4 nights, double occupancy; $180.00 for 4 people in a room; camping: no charge.

Facilitator Fees: $175
Deposit due to Register: $100, due by June 10th, 2013