by Susan Haifleigh


Our true selves
can only be seen in darkness
a circle emerging as light
against its opposite
energy that pushes and pulls
no safe haven.

Each pilgrim follows a compass
spinning from dawn to dusk
looking up we fall down
like the fool who steps off
into the abyss into the
inky arms of heaven.

Velvet dimness punctuated
by shimmering points of light
consciousness spinning its rhythm
imprint pulsing dim and bright
pin pricks emerging and fading
grasped in glimpses.

We are giver and receiver
of the golden fortune that is life
our true selves
can only be seen
in darkness.

Susan Haifleigh’s work is published in “Story Medicine,” “The Closed Eye Open” and “Beyond Words.” She recently received two 2nd place awards in the “Peninsula Poets Contest.” Susan lives in Northville, Michigan.