Planning a Garden that Grows a Seed

Claire Reutter In third grade, we were given the assignment to write about what we  wanted to be when we grew up. I had no idea, but I liked seeing my mom  plant flowers. I approached my teacher. “Um, Mrs. Walsh, What are those people  called who take care of...

Still Life with a Crow

Janet Marugg   It was snowing as she sat on her garden bench, white flakes fell and blended into her hair. In her hand, a shock of yellow. A crow on the bench beside her was iridescent blue-black on the white world. It felt like a long, beautiful moment to take...

Wild Strawberries

Dee Horne   Giant strawberries on steroids are abnormal wild strawberries rule.   Dee Horne is a creative writer. She respectfully acknowledges the traditional unceded territories of the Coast Salish people and thank the Snaw’naw’as and Qualicum First...

Flower Fairies

Faith Kaltenbach   My mother’s happy childhood in a protected country arboretum left her loving the green earth and, more-or-less, believing in flower fairies. She told us their stories, ‘of course this is just pretend,’ while she fashioned flamenco dancers from...

First Blush

Andrea Penner   I take no creditfor what appeared todayin our back garden. All praiseto the sun, the rainlast winter’s snowand someone’slong ago thoughtthat a rose bushneeded to livejust there. All gratitudefor the hands(not mine)that fed and wateredpruned and...