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Wild Women Write: Re-Connecting with the Wild Feminine was born out of Wild Women Write classes taught over many years. It focuses on the qualities of the instinctive Wild Woman that author/storyteller Clarisse Pinkola-Estes tells us has gone missing and is on the verge of becoming extinct; however the Wild Woman can still be found in myths and stories around the world. These still vibrant and instructive myths and stories along with writing exercises form the heart of Wild Women Write. Together they allow the reader to embark on their own personal quest to remember and re-connect with their inner Wild Feminine that is home to their instinctual nature.

Wild Women Write helps us to understand how we forgot, rejected and repressed our instinctual natures by reviewing the cultural transition that began in pre-historical times and extended over thousands of years and has survived into contemporary times. During the last 2,500 years women gradually went from being highly respected and honored to being considered less-than their male counterparts. Myths, which always reflect the culture were re-structured to feature a superior and dominant male god or hero as the main character and women were re-cast into roles as seductress obedient submissive wife, evil witch or bitchy goddess. One of the key early Jewish/Christian myths in this downward spiral de-valuation of women tells how women became the very portal or vehicle through which evil itself entered the world.

Women as the literal givers of life have always played a special role in creating and developing culture, streamlining myths & stories into traditions that held their families and communities together. Over the centuries as women were de-valued and prevented from contributing their gifts as leaders, healers and priestesses, stories of their bravery, of their freely-expressed sexuality and magnificence were repressed and forced underground, along with the archetype of the Wild Woman in her numerous forms and attributes. This book helps women re-discover their lost wild womanly instincts and delivers them topside where they can be incorporated and integrated into her life, helping her to become a more powerful version of the self she was always intended to be.

Finding and reclaiming the Wild Woman essence that still stirs inside us is a key element in reclaiming our humanity, a humanity that delights in being fully human including our imperfections and has no desire to become a machine or part-machine in a technological-ruled world. As we evolve in our abilities to respect and honor each other, we pay homage to and evolve with our Great Mother Earth and all of her creation.The last chapters of Wild Women Write help us recognize the importance of creating new cultural myths, especially a new planetary myth that focuses on creating harmony, balance and respect for all life while remembering that the main character is the Planet Earth herself. Her story is our story. The  Wild Woman in all of us is at the heart of dreaming the dream forward because it is she who infuses us with passion and creativity for telling this new story.

Who will benefit from reading this book?

Writers as well as anyone seeking to restore & re-connect to their instinctual nature will find this book an indispensable guide in charting a new territory belonging to the wild feminine.

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