Rebecca Dakota


It’s like being in the middle of a beehive. All that commotion, movement, noise.

The chaos “out there” in the world these days rattles my “in here.” There’s always been chaos and people have always stressed. But it feels pretty intense now. And it is shared globally, all humans experiencing the turmoil and distress to some degree.

All humans, all eight billion of us, share what can be called a “human morphic field,” something like a cloud or airy network in which we all coexist. On some level, we all share consciousness, and it floats among us. Whether it’s a sense of anxiety and grief (like during the pandemic or while watching news about war), or a sense of joy while watching the gymnast Simone Biles perform, our energy does extend out among us.

Within our collective shared consciousness, our human hive, every single quivering little bit of energy, like pixels, ultimately touches every other one. There is no end, no separation among all those pixels. It’s our hive. We live in it together.

Some of us want to fix the parts of the buzz that make us so uncomfortable: war, racism, climate change, homophobia, sexism, poverty, and all the things that feel actionable. That’s good and right, of course.

After doing what I can on the physical/social/political plane, I can also turn to the energetic plane. My energy—my pixels—ultimately touch yours at some point, and vice versa, so maybe here,  I can do something else on our collective behalf. Maybe my inner peace can spread and touch you through our shared morphic field, if ever so faintly.

So, I get centered again, grounded. I call upon our generous mother Earth, Gaia, to hold me. I thank her.  I remind myself that all of this energy, every bit and pixel, came from somewhere, from Source.  I’m a fractal of Source energy, experiencing life as a human. My beingness comes from Source, just as this chair, the green chile, the mountains, and the stars do. I breathe quietly and go to the still point inside of me. When I feel the still point, I call upon Source energy to enlighten every cell in my body, to bring it alive with health and peace, to harmonize my energies. It feels like a coherence, like a beautiful musical chord.

The hum of my personal little hive is alive with energy and peace and the love of Source, sweet like honey. All that turns the buzz to a hum.

Rebecca Dakota is writing a quirky book about life lessons learned from pie.  She experiences wonder at the Milky Way and gives away blue-ribbon recipes on her website,