Aloha Dear Friends & Cultural Creatives!

This is a very special announcement coming to you. Why special? Because I have something wonderful to share; something that I’ve dreamed about for a long time… an online newsletter for women to submit their writing, photography and art! No charge to submit. No prior publishing experience required. A place of excellence, inspiration, and recognition. This dream grew out of a writing support group of nine women I’ve been hosting for some time on Zoom.

These nine women, whom I call the Nine Muses because of the amazing cumulative creativity and wisdom in the group, are: Dunya Moss, author and savvy technology person from Baltimore; Andi Penner, poet, professor and editor from New Mexico; Dr. Nellie Correa, OB/GYN, mentor and writer from New York; Kristina Daniels, author, aromatherapist and cat lover from NM; Gina Ogorzaly, chiropractor and master of altered journaling; Dairne MacLoughlin, doctor of Chinese medicine and acupuncture and masterful cook; Rebecca Leeman, nurse/midwife and amazing writer from Albuquerque; Rebecca Dakota, author and award-winning master pie maker from New Mexico; and Yvonne Scott, master gardner and author from Illinois. A special thank you to Rebecca Dakota and Yvonne Scott who wrote the statement of purpose and submission guidelines.

With Joy, Marjorie


A New Publication for Women Artists & Writers

NOW Open for Submissions!

Women Raise Our Voices is a fresh online quarterly platform written, edited, and illustrated by women. It is a place for women, non-binary and female-identified creatives to share their writing, art, and photography. Our voices matter! Your voice matters!

The Theme for Our First Issue in June, 2023

Women and Gardens

We are currently accepting submissions for the Summer Solstice 2023 issue, due out on or before June 21, 2023. To encourage participation there are no entry fees! Also, no prizes. Copyright will revert to the submitting writer/artist following date of publication. Entries are due by May 28, 2023.  Submissions are limited to 50 entries, so don’t delay. The criteria are listed below and the submission form is HERE.

Who are we?  We are a collective of ten women from five states who meet online monthly to support each other’s writing and other forms of creative expression. We recognize the power of a women’s circle to support and provide a safe place where we listen deeply to one another as we explore our world and authentic expressions of our voices.

It is this collective that is bringing Women Raise Our Voices (WROV) to you. Members oversee the theme each quarter and provide the final critique and selection of the pieces to be included. If your submission is selected, you will be able to share to your own website and promote yourself and your work.

Thank you for participating. We value every submission, whether it’s the first time you’ve submitted a poem or you’ve published a dozen books. All are welcome here and we can’t wait to meet you.

Women and Gardens

What happens for you when you sink your fingers into the Earth?

Types of entries

  • Poetry, including haiku
  • Short stories/essays
  • High resolution photos or art—image should be at least 1200 pixels horizontally.

Keep it short! No more than 500 words, preferably shorter, of beautifully crafted and carefully edited writing.

What are we looking for? For this issue, we are interested in women and gardens/gardening.  Share your stories!

  • What happens to you or for you when you garden?
  • What is your spiritual experience around gardens/gardening?
  • How does the gardening process go for you?
  • How do you measure success? Heirloom tomatoes that end up costing $40 each (including all the secondary costs like soil amendments, plants, water, a raised bed, whatever)?  Your own chile peppers and cilantro?  Flowers from March to October?
  • Why do you garden? What motivates you?
  • Is gardening a metaphor for something?
  • How does the whole “Eve in the garden” story resonate for you?
  • Do you relate to plants and trees and soil?  How?
  • How do you relate to the spirit of the Earth, Gaia, Terra Mater?  Does this impact your relationship with gardens/gardening?

What we do not care to hear about:

  • Someone else’s garden or the most beautiful one you’ve ever seen
  • Your list of what you grow or “how to” advice


  • Tell us your gutsy, honest, brutal, loving truth.  The more real and personal, the better.
  • Humor is welcome!
  • Keep it short.  No more than 500 words, preferably shorter
  • Please, no more than 2 entries per person
  • Deadline:  May 28, 2023.

Poetry:  WROV is accepting poetry on the topic of women and gardens/gardening.  Haiku is welcome!

Short Stories & Essays:  Fiction and non-fiction are welcome, as long as it’s your own voice!

Art and Photography:  Send your very own garden-related entries to us by the deadline in jpeg form.

With Respect: Our world is out of balance these days and kindness is crucial.  Please respect your sisters and submit according to the guidelines.  Make sure the words or art are your own, original work (not copied, AI-generated), and not previously published. In turn, we will respect you by crediting your work with the name you specify.  If you request/authorize publication of additional contact information, links, etc. (as specified in your brief author bio on the submission form), we will include that with the credits. Although we can’t respond to every entry, we will let you know if your work has been selected.

Submission Form – click HERE

Future issues & staying in touch: Future topics may include “Release” and “Hibernation.”  Please do not send an entry on these topics!  We’ll let you know when it’s time. If you would like to be on an email list to be notified of future opportunities to submit, send your name and email address to: In the subject line, put “Keep me informed.”