by Claire Reutter


So yes, go ahead and pray for me,
Sure, as an individual
who lays every night
on a punctured pillow
of loneliness.
But also pray for me
as a compassionate human being
who lives in a greater reality
in a society, a world beyond
her own place and spaces,
privileged to know
more than just
her own pain

Go ahead and pray for her,
And know when it’s her time to leave
this grieving planet,
She will do so
with both eyes wide open,
Still watching and witnessing
the Now from Beyond—
Pray for all who struggle because
She with both eyes wide open
will see people who still read the stories
She will know them and hear them,
these people who recognize the right of all
to return home, to be at home
to become one body
who lives-eats-breathes
as worthy and healthy human beings,
every last one!

And then and only then
I will close my eyes and rest
in peace and power
And there will be
No more need

Claire Reutter—after two years living in New England, Claire looks forward to moving back to Austin, Texas, this summer where her voice will continue to be heard. Reach her at