Gina T. Ogorzaly


Cranes chortle raucously
mere yards overhead
startled by coyote lurking
in the neighbor’s field.

Cormorant whizzes rapidly
straight up the acequia
or sits sedately and lonely
on a branch sticking up mid-stream.

Geese wing south
in their imperfect vees
honking at near and far
to join them on their journey.

Mallards, woods, and widgeons
paddle in the river
or burst from tree nests to escape
scary two and four-leggeds.

Heron stands one-legged
on the shoreline
beak darting into the water
flash of fish in cold light.

Dog snorts and snuffles
through decaying leaves.
Slow down, wait, stop.
Breathe in the cold air.
Be. Nothing to do.
But breathe.

Dr. Gina T. Ogorzaly is a Chiropractor practicing in Albuquerque, New Mexico, who enjoys a creative life of writing and mixed media in visual journals and altered books.