by Kate Marco


for those of us
who have no voice,
I’ll walk these streets
and shout your names,

for those of us
behind the wall,
I will dig and dig
the tunnel long,

for those of us
lost in the dark,
I will hang the sun
along our path,

for those of us
about to jump,
I will be the net
to break your fall,

for those of us
without a home,
I will build a space
to lay your heads,

for all of us
about to bleed,
I will be a mother
to your wounds,

these acts
are not heroic
or beyond
our human realm,
they come from
conscious spirits
toward the light

Kate Marco has been published in many poetry journals, anthologies, newspapers, magazines and periodicals for several decades. She reads her short stories and poetry frequently at open mics and poetry venues. Kate resides in Taos, New Mexico.