Spring Kitchen Corner

by Dairne McLoughlin   This is a place where we go back to our roots. To remember our kitchen medicine from those that went before us. The women that healed with their hands, food, plants and hearts. Spring is a time of growth, birth, new ideas, renewal and...

Winter Kitchen Corner

Dairne McLoughlin   The Kitchen Corner is a place to help bring us back to our ROOTS, to the Herbs our Great Grandmothers, Grandmothers, and Mothers used from their collective kitchen wisdom to keep their families healthy and to help heal when we were sick....

Working with Essential Oils for Release & Letting Go

As the Northern hemisphere of our planet enters its Fall season, we witness an event of great inspiration centered around death and release. Autumnal leaves depart our world with one last exhibition of color and light before a tree releases the very thing that has...

Kitchen Corner: Grandmother’s Wisdom

 Kitchen Corner is a place to connect us back to our Roots. The roots and leaves known to our ancestors that our grandmothers used for kitchen medicine have remained potent and reliable. What herbs did your grandmothers and mothers use to treat illnesses when you were...