/Stock photo of aurora borealis in Norway.


Women Raise Our Voices: Call for Submissions

Deadline: September 6, 2024

We are excited to announce that submissions for the 4th edition of the Women Raise Our Voices E-zine are now open. This issue’s theme is “Sparks.” Consider voicing a moment that sparked a choice or change in your life. Here are some ideas to spark your fun, serious, creative juices:

What sparked an idea or a feeling that ignited something larger? How did the spark take hold inside you, shape who you are? What sparked your interest in changing your own life or changing the world? What sparks or ignites your authenticity? Or share a time when someone or something (parent, society, teacher) tried to extinguish your spark and what happened as a result? Maybe your own voice inside said, “You can’t.” Once extinguished, how did you reignite the spark?

We invite you to share your voice with others through prose, poetry, or art. Let the sparks fly!

Call for Submissions: Open now through Sept. 6, 2024, 11:59 PM MDT,  or until we receive our cap of 75 submissions, total.


Before submitting, please visit the Women Raise Our Voices online journal link on the website Writers Adventure to get a sense of our publication, and review the guidelines, below.

Required:  Word (.doc or .docx) documents  in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1″ margins, and titles in bold. 

·       Limit of 3 entries per person per issue submitted via this form (no email).

·       No fee. No payment or prize–just good literary and artistic karma!

·       Copyright reverts to you after WROV publication.  

·       Please submit edited, polished work. We reserve the right to be selective and to make small adjustments.

Submission Categories*

Prose: A single article or story, 500 words or less, double-spaced, .doc or .docx only.  We are looking for women’s stories, told creatively (i.e., no op-eds).

Poetry: A single poem no more than 40 lines, exactly as you intend it to appear by overriding Word’s automated format of line capitalization, etc.; .doc or .docx only.

Art: AAny medium shown in .jpg or .png, only. Please include type of media and size of any physical artwork (i.e., painting is 12″ by 15″)

*Use separate submission forms if submitting more than once. 

·       Submissions are read blind. Do not include your name and address anywhere in the attached document or art file.

·       Submissions from women, non-binary and woman-identified folks, only—and that also means no AI-generated content.

·       We accept simultaneous submissions, but ask that you withdraw your work via WROV Email LINK if it is accepted elsewhere before WROV is released to avoid copyright infringement.

·       We do not print previously published material except by invitation of the editor.  

·       Response time varies, but may take three months. We will contact you the week prior to publication if your work is accepted. Please do not contact us, as the WROV email account is not closely monitored outside of open submission periods.

Entries that do not follow the guidelines will likely not be considered. Thank you for your interest!


·      We want to know your name, email, and bio ONLY within the submission form itself.

·      Do NOT include your name or other identifiers in the document itself, the file name, document title, header/footer, or content. To ensure anonymity, only submissions that follow these guidelines will be considered.

·      Use Word .doc and .docx files for poetry/prose and .jpg/.png for artwork, only. (We cannot accept PDF, Google docs, “Pages,” email, etc.). Times New Roman, font size 12.

·      We strive to create a publication free of distracting errors. To that end, we reserve the right to edit accepted submissions for correctness.

·      This is an all-volunteer, non-profit effort. Thank you for understanding!

DISCLAIMER:  Formatting may vary depending on your viewing device/screen.