Dairne McLoughlin


The Kitchen Corner is a place to help bring us back to our ROOTS, to the Herbs our Great Grandmothers, Grandmothers, and Mothers used from their collective kitchen wisdom to keep their families healthy and to help heal when we were sick.

Winter is a time of darkness and cold. We want to bring a bit of light and warmth from our kitchens into our bodies to uplift the spirit during these dark days. Let’s begin with a simple and sometimes overlooked friend, the humble cup of tea. Nothing says comfort and caring like a warm cup of tea sipped in front of the fire.

One of the best teas for winter is GINGER ROOT. This is such a versatile root and so easy to use. It’s a must have in every kitchen.


Easy Ginger Root Tea

Place 3 to 4 thin slices of ginger root in the bottom of a teacup, pour boiling water over them, and let the tea steep for 6 minutes. Voila! You hold in your hands a beautiful cup of comfort and healing. You can remove the ginger after steeping, but if you prefer a stronger tea, leave the root in your teacup while you drink it. To aid healing, add a smidge of honey and a squeeze of lemon. Ginger has also been used for centuries as a digestive aid for an upset tummy. It’s a great tea to sip after a meal.


Fabulous Ginger Foot Bath

Ginger root warms us up, especially from a chill that gets deep inside, that kind of chill we can’t seem to warm up from, which can leave us susceptible to colds, coughs, or other respiratory illnesses. To make this fabulous ginger foot bath, add a quart of water to a soup pot on the stove. Add 5-6 thick slices (1/2 inch) of ginger root, bring to a boil, turn down to simmer, and leave on heat for 8-10 minutes. Remove the pot from the stove, then add a cup of ginger-water to a bucket of hot water and soak your feet. You’ll be toasty in a jiffy.

You can also add 1-2 cups of ginger-water to a bath, or do ginger compresses on your kidneys to warm up and soothe that aching winter back from a penetrating cold invasion.


Uplifting Citrus Oils

CITRUS OILS are uplifting to the spirit. Take a potato-peel of orange or lemon, which both have a special affinity for the Heart, and squeeze the peel to release its essential oil. Slowly breathe in that lovely aroma. This can calm a dark storm cloud over our hearts.


We must take the time to soothe ourselves in these hectic and chaotic times. Be kind to yourself. Find warmth and comfort this winter.

Dr. Dairne is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine in practice for over 30 years. She enjoys walking in nature with her dog and bike riding. Five times a year, she publishes a newsletter aligned with Chinese Medicine, including tips and recipes.